All first-year freshmen students taking 8 credit hours or more are required to live on campus unless they are over the age of 21, married, have a child, are active military, or are residing with a parent or legal guardian within a 60-mile radius of the Missouri Southern State University campus.
Figuring out how to live with someone new can be tricky. If you encounter issues with your roommate(s), first seek guidance from one of the Resident Assistants (RA) or Resident Directors. They will work with you and your roommate(s) to first try and work through any problems using effective communication and negotiation.
However, if a situation is unmanageable, you can submit a room change request form on eRezlife.
If you feel your situation is unsafe, contact an RA or Resident Director immediately.
Yes, you can see your roommate(s)’s name and contact details on eRezlife under housing overview.
Students are able to self-select their bedspace for a period of time, this is called our room lottery and they will receive an email to their student email with their time slot to pick their bedspace. If a student does not pick a bedspace the residence life staff member will assign them a bedspace and an email will be sent with that information to your student email.
Housing applications are available onLionetunder the Campus Housing header.
You need to first be admitted to complete an application. Select the application that best suits your needs, and then complete the required steps.
Please note you will have to put down a$150depositfor your housing arrangements when you apply.
The housing application for incoming students for the fall semester will be available on Lionetthe first weekday in the month of February. Students incoming for the spring semester will have access to the application by mid-September.
The Residence LIfe forms are located in LIONET under the Campus Housing header.
All pets with the exception of fish in one gallon or less containers are prohibited unless approved by Disability Services and the Director of Residence Life. Emotional/Therapy and Service animals must be approved by Disability Services and Residence Life prior to arrival to campus.
Please provide as much personal information in housing application to assist other students in matching with a roommate. When selecting a room you can view another student’s name and response to application questions.
Move-in dates for the fall and spring will be announced by e-mail to all applicants along with designated check-in times. Students required to move in prior to the official move-in weekend will request a date from a coach/sponsor.
Some of our housing arrangements are considered “co-ed.” This means that although the room assignments are gender-specific, men and women may be living next door to one another. Each gender-specific room has its own individual bathroom.
We do not allow cohabitation between men and women.
If you are uncomfortable with co-ed housing, please select a gender-specific housing accommodation when you apply.
Unfortunately, we do not offer family- or married-housing.
If you need to live with your spouse or family, we suggest renting an apartment in town. There are many low-cost rental accommodations in Joplin.
All of our rooms have access to our Wi-Fi network.
The Wi-Fi services are included in your housing charges and will never cost you anything extra.
Yes, our residence halls are available to you year-round.
We do not charge anything for you to use the halls during Thanksgiving, Winter Intersession or Spring Break.
Intersession housing between the spring and summer and summer and fall is available to students with a housing application for the adjacent period.
Yes. In order to receive special accommodations, your disability must be documented by the Disabilities Services Office (417-625-9516).
The Residence Life Office cannot guarantee specific housing styles.
Yes, you may leave all your belongings in your room during Winter Break if you will be living in the same room once you return for the Spring Semester.
Please note that we are not responsible for your belongings should anything happen to them while they are being stored over the break.
No, you cannot store or move belongings into your room before the move-in date, unless you have spoken to the Director of Residence Life about a special circumstance.
Students with 30+ college credit hours have the option after moving onto campus to exercise the $1200 buy-out option and move off-campus. Students will be charged housing and meal costs through the date they complete the checkout process. Exercising the buy-out option will result in a loss of housing deposit. Contact the Residence Life Office for instructions on the buy-out process.
All beds in the residence halls are Twin XL 36″ X 80″.
There will be 30″ of clearance under your bed if you set it at its tallest setting.
Yes, you may bring a refrigerator and/or microwave.
Please note that oursuites, apartments, and quads are already stocked with a refrigerator and microwave ready for your use.
Your Name 1007 International Ave Joplin, MO 64801
Yes, we offer many laundry facilities on-site for you to use.
Our laundry facilities are located in the Mayes Student Life Center, Blaine Hall, McCormick Hall, Stegge Hall, and Lion Village.
It does not cost to use the facilities. Bring your student ID for access.